“RSB-Novikontas” Ltd. was founded in 1997 and is a part of the NOVIKONTAS GROUP. Experienced certified staff, that completed training at various producers, work for the company.
The main fields of activities:
The principles of the company performance:
Strict compliance with equipment delivery deadlines; high quality of equipment; timely installation of the equipment; formalization of all documents required by classification society, certificates, guarantees. Warranty and post-warranty equipment maintenance.
We provide only the latest up-to date equipment by famous producers that stands out for its high reliability, is user-friendly and benefits from well-developed worldwide network of service maintenance.
High quality of equipment installation works as well as repair and warranty maintenance of the running equipment. On-going planned training of technical staff aimed at mastering new equipment and sustaining the high level of the staff competency.
Versatile approach in servicing the vessel-owners with regard to all issues related to purchase, design, installation and use of electronic equipment; starting with delivery and technical maintenance to receiving a license for vessel’s radio-station and making payments for the satellite communication.
We ensure service in all ports around the world.
Continuous development of the company, mastering new types of equipment and technology, extending partnership relations.